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Have you ever asked the question? How can I get better sleep. 

If your wired like me, a small business owner, dealing with stress, and then its time to go to sleep and you can't seem to either fall a sleep or your out so fast, but then you wake up in the early mornings to find yourself still think about something during the day then keep reading. If not this article is probably not for you. 

So the quick answer is yes, magnesium will let you fall asleep easier and usually if you take enough of the right form of it will help keep you asleep too. 

So the original question is how to get better sleep

1. Eat dinner no later than 7 PM if possible.

I find that avoiding snacks with a lot of complex carbohydrates and sugars keeps me from falling asleep. I like having a sweet frozen fruit bar in the evening around 8:30 PM or 9:00PM. These bars are sweet, but only contain about 15 grams of sugar.

Outshine fruit bars

2. Exercise

Get in a walk after dinner with a pet or getting some playing time playing basketball with your kids after dinner for 20-30 minutes is fine, just get a little bit of activity to burn some energy off before trying to rest. 

3. Relaxation Techniques

Sometime if I have a lot of things on my mind still from work, I find writing it down and getting it on paper, lets my brain unwind.

Box breathing helps  or 4-4-4-4  out for 4, in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4 and continue for 5 minutes

Read a book- just 10 minutes of a book can help you get into a better state for sleep

4. Reacted Magnesium 

  • Neurotransmitter Regulation
  • Melatonin Production
  • Stress hormone reduction
  • Relaxes muscles

In addition to lowering cortisol and blood sugar, magnesium is a natural calcium channel blood pressure supplement that helps regulate blood pressure.  Some people have even told me it helps with muscle cramping at bedtime .

When is the best time to take magnesium for sleep? 

I typically recommend people take it 30 minutes before they want to fall asleep

Can I take magnesium with melatonin?

Yes, magnesium promotes melatonin production so it makes sense to use the two together. 

If you are taking other medications for sleep make sure you talk to your doctor or pharmacist to make sure it's ok with them if you take magnesium.

If you have questions concerning our magnesium product complete the form at the bottom of the page to talk with of our staff. 

If you are wanting to get started with magnesium,  you can visit our store and purchasing it here by clicking here