Gastroenterology Compounding
For more than 10 years Webster Pharmacy has been the trusted Gastroenterology & Hepatology Compounding Pharmacy In St. Louis, Missouri

Containing: Sodium Acetate 8.17mg/ml, Sodium Propionate 2.88mg/ml, Sodium Butyrate 4.40mg/ml Enema (60mL per enema)
Short chain fatty acid enemas work well for improving colonic health. This includes:
Sodium Butyrate Enemas
Containing Sodium butyrate (a short chain fatty acid) enemas for improving colonic health. This includes:
Fissure Treatments
- Dilitizem-Lidocaine gel
- Nifedipine ointment 0.2% or 0.3%
- Neomycin/ Hydrocortisone suppositories
- Nitroglycerin 1% ointment
Hemorrhoid treatments
- Anucort HC
- Lidazone cream
- Proctofoam
- Calmoseptin Cream
Colitis treatments
- Vancomycin
- Mesalamine 1000mg
- Budesonide Capsules
For more information on our compounding services click here.
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